Monday, 28 December 2015

Животное осталось живо, клиника не наблюдалась

Sunday, 15 November 2015

significant ways
the fire of pruning
suddenlys" will be birthed
great mantles
gold and on fire
I saw such purity over the ones that were standing before Him
gold sandals
Impartations of Wisdom
the standard to follow.
and still needs,
it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps
respecter of persons
sorry state,
will never let us leave quarantine.
employ this line of thinking again and again, then the argument begins to look more like a liability.
dispersion of property
unknown source.
winter quarters
pumice stones
necessity to bathe
swift getaway
dense inclusions of tiny fibers
the eye is less sensitive to small asymmetries in an ellipse
domed cabochon
rutting season
alternative to culling
cull of the species
retired fisherman.
kind of felt
Grim numbers
dark clothes.
Visit request
disused area
separate landings.
pigeon infestation
internalised domestically
unreliable information
extremely regrettable
local ordinance
lengthy investigation
The alleged offence
the edge of the grate
As I lay down in the blood of strangers
potential to be better
doors to the survivors
longed to see.
Shocked and alone
Futures demolished
Cries of grown
filled the floor

Saturday, 14 November 2015

degree of asceticism
intact with no alteration
later openings.
incorruptibility and flexibility
hindered the pallbearers
carry a message
humble messenger
administrative leave
a random attack.
used tables to block the entrance
documented in Japan and mainland China.
for their own respective reasons”.
accommodating and caring
southern Chinese business hub.
информацию с осторожностью.
Ogden Kraut
Dream Mine: A Monument of Mystery
fondly hope
defacto caretaker
roadkill skunk

Thursday, 12 November 2015

a blue pigment
far from a solution
extended families
uncertain time
is in no way a reflection
extremely nuanced area of law
topic alone
Fourth, is the deceased person’s estate.
agreements and keys
to claim for the deceased’s final illness
Any title deeds for assets, such as land, vehicles or houses
Stocks, shares, bonds, annuities
Postal services
poor concentration
to plan the afters.
but are not with their own costs.
Humanist celebrant
The unexpected challenges
May we all have the confidence that Rivka had to do what we know is right.
Padan Aram
flee to Lavan,
According to Breisheet Rabba, all of the Imahot (foremothers) were prophetesses.
no longer received prophecy as he grew up in a pure home
on a higher level of prophecy than Avraham
spiritual bitterness
unwashed existence
was said to quickly form
entered uninvited
the legitimacy of the armed struggle in the North

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

другой версии глобуса раскинулась
«заимствовать и тратить».
победным скандированием.

Monday, 9 November 2015

Sunday, 1 November 2015

likely to reciprocate their investments
traded confidences
consciously aware
friending out of desperation
Ben Marder,
cousin’s graduation
social turn-off
fortuitous, if ill-informed
assistant chief
storage sites
unparalleled in scale’
as if war was imminent.
taxiing out of hangars
converting tractor
artillery pieces
conventional realm
strategic variables
diplomatic fallout
fundamental misunderstanding
And many agreed that events were leading in that direction,
markedly greater
inverse error
Able Archer
blunt assessment:
sounding jaded
corporate spiel
no way around grief but through it
anything but
careful to ensure
Though perhaps
neural correlates
a lot of the pain
valid reasons
How the sight
Surely for most,
sudden absence
sigh inwardly.
downing the remainder
at their best can only work in the short-term.
сущий ребенок.
баловали иногда.
перетряхивали вещи.
привязывали что-то яркое к ножке стола
бесхозные ножи
Fajr salat
contraceptive abilities
Except its potential to cause spontaneous abortions
fighting material
тайный враг
playground alight

Saturday, 31 October 2015

intestinal pores
goat kefir
topical ointments
curling iron
gifts of presence
Competition, criticism, and defensiveness are all part of separation consciousness
unhealthy ways
contained nine spiritual insights
Desert sage. Fitting name.
unknown to law, formerly unthinkable
The persecuted will demand the attention of the whole world. The ancient roads will be filled with multitudes going from one place to another.
The crescent [Islam] will become obscured, and its followers will descend into lies
The greatest corruption will reign on earth
And one can already perceive the unusual manifestations and encounter unusual people. Already they open the gates of knowledge and ripened fruits are falling from the trees..."
Already many warriors of the truth are reincarnated
One stone on his ring is worth more than all the world’s treasure
And the people shall cease to understand one another. They shall forget the meaning of the word teacher. But just then shall the Teachers appear and in all the corners of the world shall be heard the true teaching. To this word of truth shall the people be drawn, but those who are filled with darkness and ignorance shall set obstacles
confession and expiation
imperial grant and the edict of the Dictator, at a spot comparable in its excellence with the Paradise of Vulture Peak.
Latter Law.
the reign of the sage kings of old,
Buddhist Truth
the disappearance of the relics
burn up that image leaving no remainder
Henceforth there will be darkness for us.’
space round
abode of serpents
hurry beasts and birds in the forest.
acquire an incalculable fruit of the gift
Southern community
palace again
royal elephant
Great Patthana
the donors or requisites
rain properly
four offenses entailing defeat,
entire purities of moral habit
the Ways and the fruits
non-returners and once-returners and stream-winners
How will it occur? After my decease there will first be five disappearances. What five? The disappearance of attainment (in the Dispensation), the disappearance of proper conduct, the disappearance of learning, the disappearance of outward form, the disappearance of the relics. There will be these five disappearances.
Three kinds of illness only are known --- people must relieve their bowels, they must eat, they must get old...
fine hue.
Tibetans expect the advent of Gessar Khan to save them from the Chinese.
the advent of the Kalki
The Altai of Asia call him the White Burkhan and Oirot ("Messenger").
World Savior
another dimension
The eagles of the North cannot be free without the condors of the South.
untangle situations.
The second part of the month doesn’t enjoy the same flow
prestige loops under self-altering prophecie
Prophecy's Vine
Targum Neofiti:
Mari prophets
treaty obligations

Friday, 30 October 2015

dwell in the cave
Rachel’s Tomb
gone unnoticed
Master Sergeant
sit squarely in harm's way.
retired investing
increased crowds
not to join the pact
maps and theory
need to be teased out through
funding limitations 
a directive to members
often chaotic
lengthy queues
gears up to receive 
a stuffed toy
day to obtain
in a garden allotment, sources said
химкинское предприятие 
посторонними частицами
Иждивенцев и бомжей разных наклоняли
начал побираться
С собой бомж ничего не взял
Плотно поужинав
оттуда удален
отменить сделку
в тюремном госпитале
or if direct debits can be met
of their own and such
the way I’m feeling now I wouldn’t wish on anyone
worth far more money
The hunt for the stolen
forensic examination
a sound technician
great sentimental
a timeframe for a fix
creative efforts

Thursday, 29 October 2015

заслуга дрона.
преференциями Евросоюза.
feeling humiliated
орбитальными наблюдениями
experienced similar
I’m not doing it for me by any means
outpouring of support
in quick succession
t which point listeners will have been aware of the nature of the discussion.
A concern for me, amongst others, is I am buying stock I don’t need and planning for more based on open demands. Financially we also appear to have high planned and committed costs and open order book affecting accounting. This is why I need you to consider how better we can manage this

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

element to the causation 
it is for him to establish, 
reasonable steps” 
It had previously been suggested that the wounds suffered by the deceased could have been caused by a frenzy induced by hypothermia.
adequate number of security staff
glint of a projectile 
going abusively
specific briefing
veracity of the claim
White heroin 
electronic signboards
Danish tourists
stern approach
Crime Suppression
Many people gave them flowers and drinking water
Resistant Citizen
the equivalent of sedition.
edition for giving
the height levels
Wooden Bridge at Seafield Road 
People feel they have been duped
rather null 
nd probably got away with her crimes more often than she got caught.
a detailed story
Slab Fork

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

unwary glibly
redneck creek”
a much more fair way
sarcastically threatening
abandoned school
super cute
flicker of recognition
Ashley Treatment
accelerating the fusion
skin patches
growth attenuation
resolutely opposes
sleeper count
 a controlled response
heavy and persistent

Monday, 26 October 2015

mountain gendarme
Success is none of our business. It comes from outside
living split off)
dwindled dwindled
Lithuania Proper.[
Memel Territory
territorial demands
bloodless annexations
imperial immediacy
better others
crown land
a Princely County
the plague smoldered
spring floods
Ouareau River
Trou de Fée
carve by hand
Chestnut' cultivar.
large slice
postincident population
absence of census
Geoffrey Parker
northern Africa
marked the retreat
survival of fleas
marginal significance
warmer and wetter
rodent carriers
political talk radio direction
Dark Matter Radio Network
to come out of retirement
there is a kernel of a question worth exploring.
alphabet soup
corporate turf
good at protecting
level of importance
perfect front
primary host
prolonged instability
with heroic patience
pseudoscientific assertions slide by without challenge
uneven broadcaster
privacy issues,
deemed unprofitable
off grid living
now serves
purchasing decisions
conscious consumer
tall hat
garbled insanity

Sunday, 25 October 2015

prevented a parent having access.
failing to inform
withholding information
a special kind
try to engineer progressive conclusions
inviolable rule
today’s realities
remotely analogous
remarried believers,
free to ignore
rendezvous to which they were not invited,
Better still, introduce a bit of paranoia into the equation
Parry the compliment
have psoriasis all over my elbows
perceived failing
cause consternation
natural obsequiousness
deemed detrimental
transcript log
discomfort manifested
aversion to compliments
pure affectation
becoming a teacher
perfect smoke
enormous kudos
antidote to education
Honours French
home economics
two valuable
a lack of vocabulary
starter calls
inoffensive child
familial concern.
start swearing
immediate absolution
fail-safe knee-slapping
hostess with Tourette’s.
avoid confrontation
currents in the vicinity
shallow surf
thoroughly devastated
hissing harpy
sharply skyward,
ringing bell,
earth Monday
feeding migrations
black Jitterbug
Vendors Grumble
a key player
Тем не менее, американцы публично выдали эти сведения за достоверные.

Saturday, 24 October 2015

huge headache
uncomfortable weird
fragrant flowers
triterpenoid saponins
white ways
frozen ground
shoe choice
notoriously devoid
chasms of emptiness
crow cawing
habit of trapping
magnetic iron
compounding the creepiness
snarled root
woody vines,
The discomforting forest
out of the corners of their eyes.
drawn out deaths
radioactive snail
bad thing
eyeless children eating their souls.
skull coat
Czech woodcarver
icy caverns,
transplant from the midwest.
compounds its terribleness
clearly feel (
lack thereof)
delivered in an inflection
impossible to follow
Our “hero” is an idiot.
stunt fighting
super fists.
state sentiment
completely wasted,
The hue on all the flashback sequences is just gross.
so I didn’t have to watch him struggle.
maybe he should be doing fewer movies
doesn’t seem to even understand the narration he has.
level of stupidity
limited mythology
old timey
beard is kind
have to better than this mess
technical quality
wanted to be there
Once common to sailor, beriberi is now relatively rare in the Western world except for alcoholics.
contaminated sources
daily diet of yan cha
ad nauseum

Friday, 23 October 2015

и за хорошее поведение.
инфляционных ожиданий», —
не называли, но очень ниже. Мы
подчеркивали, что наземная
вынужденным самооговором.
experienced in criminality beyond their years
ample money
reater consideration should have been given to
exemplary fashion
a default by Ireland
fuse ominously
a past that refuses to stay where it belongs
неактуальными особенностей 
level of resilience
plague doctor