Thursday, 30 July 2015

It is thought to be caused by an underlying lymphatic abnormality, with reduced lymphatic drainage
In patients where titanium exposure was thought to be causative, recovery occurred over a period of several months

Yellow nails

splinter left focus right this mortal soil around me mortal feeling i have found
History moans Mouth of our father

Indefatigueable power

Scatty in approach

Renegotiate life conditions with the divine

Human world

Compromise efforts

temporarily educated by the visiting Jesuit
despondent poet
Bollywood fraternity

Murad dawn

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Drop you into a field of white flowers while you lament

Sunday, 26 July 2015

The last guideline was added after the Knights of Takhisis executed the previous Guild leader
sewer tunnels
hunting and ambushing living beings.
He grew a large forest around the Tower to hide it
High Sorcery
Lord Soth
trap dragons
eighteen splinters
with the trunk being the size of a small house.
Magic forbids
fog generated by a hot spring
In Northern Ergoth there is a kender nation
ceding its dominance
While individuals may come and go, Sad Town itself remained
Darken Wood is populated by seven centaur clans, the Forestmaster
Assembly of Jerusalem
However the definition of the word in terms of the actual jurisdiction and public office of the ethnarch may not be accurately determined
ruler of a quarter

Extant ethnart

Twisted event

unless you are a court judge
The World Is A Thorn
Undeveloped Clot
This leak also provided other unreleased or unannounced games
"Come on, someone kit me out."
This is also one of the darkest maps, especially on the staircases,
the corporate face of the twisted organization
it seems he can cloak when he needs to heal
army of biologically engineered clones
in a shadowy, mysterious wave of death. Out for nothing but destruction,
And then a zed, a naked genetic freak sheathed in slimy grey skin, pops out of the hole like a horrorshow jack-in-the-box

Killing floor

Patriarch duvet

Tropical depression

got interrupted when a deer bounded by

The slave

sound redunkalous
need to be locked up in a looney bin
and a reluctance to write
impatience with linear forms of communication
blowing out lightbulbs or breaking glass from across the room
tactile defensive
to be able to taste the chemical additives in certain foods
“morris code”
Seeing objects which seem to “melt”, move or shimmer
things seem to disappear, including yourself
burning up the petals
the carving of which communicates various coded messages
Extending the connection between babies and spoons is the Scottish tradition

Saturday, 25 July 2015

more concerned with the details
The latter seems more prevalent in North American society.
depletion from overindulgence
What is created is neither yet both
metaphysical principal
a firm foundation
committing to emotionally releasing layer
(pulling on strings of energy, a.k.a. puppeteering).
“What do I refuse to ever feel again?”
soul cause of ‘white-knuckling’ life
the opposite of manifesting, such as continued loss
calming of the spirit can fix years of upset
I even have eczema in the winter and I experience the flame thing as well
cold energy came rushing back
like air is coming off skin
Tingsha bell
I also get a sense of a breeziness around the areas that are most injured
The itching I felt on my eyebrows this morning makes me speculate
scratching the little hairy caterpillars
You can also check out people’s creations; artwork, poetry, music, writing, etc, by feeling the chakras of the author in their creation
Tingles remain
There is nothing to lose but your suffering
Copper Knot
Но, к сожалению, такой крепкий чай не для меня. Поэтому будет пить муж
to get through the impregnable defences.
побег был совершен во время движения поезда

Unavoidable hardship

A condition will be added, verifications will occur

A path whose destination seems uncertain

And of an abandoned land


Snow flakes worth melting

may have arisen by chance
и пытались затопить дом сотрудника одной из ферм
в сговоре с целью нарушения закона
В связи с этим на китайском рынке распространились
отношения с другом матери у него не сложились
сбора данных о возможном наличии
Long Range Reconnaissance Imager
древние кратеры оказались покрыты молодыми льдами
льды из азота
Мы и раньше старались за этим следить, но не со всеми гостями получается. Еще раз приносим свои извинения и благодарим за Ваш отзыв, который бесспорно помогает нам совершенствоваться и двигаться вперед
Нам жаль, что шум в бассейне и нетрезвые гости нарушили Ваш спокойный отдых. А именно Ваше спокойствие для нас приоритетно
Мы прекрасно понимаем, что время от времени допускаем ошибки
У вас же висят малозаметные таблички
зарвавшимся алкашам из начала 90х.
Заборов нет, тк они мешали бы лесным животным
только спеченный хлеб в валянном мешочке-термосе
Шиномонтаж? Конечно, наш водитель отвезет Ваше колесо и через пару часов вернет
Никогда не ездите по дороге Р31

Thursday, 23 July 2015

"strangely wills and works for itself."
and gave himself up to reckless dissipation.”
opened onto the moors
assuming a domesticity
"I lingered round them, under that benign sky: watched the moths fluttering among the heath and harebells, listened to the soft wind breathing through the grass, and wondered how any one could ever imagine unquiet slumbers for the sleepers in that quiet earth."
поражала многочисленность здоровых людей
растений не перешли в статус культурных
снизить вероятность неожиданных столкновений
подавляют свои естественные часы
нижестоящие особи.

Сошёл сель

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Noise conception

Unfortunately, when Rock asks if it will rain, Fallen Leaves says no, because he is afraid that Rock will make him wait until another day. Fallen Leaves enters the tunnels, and appears to be heading in the right direction

a hairless, blind cat with a rat-like tail, with the name Rock, who explains to him that to be a "sharpclaw," which is the name for warriors in the Ancients, he must get out of the tunnels and into the moor before it's too late.

ANxi black

Unclear sources

Oil cut

死の船出! 地獄の島へ
Kurama's spirit energy is sealed by the dying efforts of Gama, as his paint was actually mixed with his blood. Kurama is to battle Toya, described as an ice master. Kurama breaks free of paralysis, but is denied access to his spirit energy. Toya attacks Kurama multiple times, but is unable to target his vital points. Kurama defeats Toya by implanting his plants into his own body to use as a weapon, however falling unconscious

Sunday, 19 July 2015

term ziraafa meaning assembled
and pygarg is merely the Septuagint's rendering.
Cinders have been used on track surfaces and roads to provide additional traction in winter conditions
and rocking behavior
Traditions that have been believed to confer greater human longevity include alchemy
scrivener's error


Connection Bug
and Gascoigne will give an unimpressed grunt
Alpha build
at the cost of his sanity
infected with the plague
erratic terrain
making the above strategy obsolete
induces frenzy
represents the depth of inhuman knowledge
Its ring resonates across worlds,

left the service

Detective Constable Suleman Yazdani

a device capable of capturing images

victim surcharge

a phone with the video function enabled

daring to break the traditions that are championing

to grab the many items hanging from them.
with a larger robed wolfman, leading to the rafters
dash along another narrow wooden bridge
If the hunter doesn't follow you in, you're good
towards the front of the darkened room,
Oil Urns
One will be stood on its own in a courtyard
can inflict slow poison
a trap with two hooded enemies.
no other choice, than burn it all to cinders?"
In the hidden room below Djura's firing range
Turn back... or the hunter will face the hunt

“much wider criminal network”.

The overriding goal

I mostly drilled open the shells of anti-aircraft guns

It was ‘guarded by spirits of darkness’.

Blue and saffron

who would have cost thousands to buy.

 discovering old railroad files

were killed out of fear they would spread the infectious disease.

Duffy's cut

Saturday, 18 July 2015

At times, failure is the mother of invention
she wields a Threaded Cane and a Rosmarinus
This hunter is a fairly difficult fight
susceptible to poison, so you may want to toss a Poison Knife
giant white centipede thing
The gate at the bottom of that first stairwell is shut for now but will be opened up to provide a shortcut later.
fountain plaza
Church Attire (Executioner Garb
Making contact with eldritch wisdom is a blessing, for even if it drives one mad, it allows one to serve a grander purpose, for posterity
исчезла спустя некоторое время
на втором — с дочерью
по состоянию на утро
На момент написания заметки страничка по-прежнему остается недоступной
come out from them and separate yourselves from them
inaccurate concepts
reason of emphasis
walking wounded
plugged in a church
Some results may have been removed under data protection law in Europe
induce frenzy
one patrolling the path at the bottom of the stairs directly past the lantern
wooded tunnel
"The spider hides all manner of rituals, certain to reveal nothing, for true enlightenment need not be shared."
On a Bookshelf on the same floor as the Lunarium Key door
Hunters, able to retain consciousness by force of will, make use of a secondary effect of the medicine, which dilutes their presence while standing still."
nooks and crannies of the old labyrinth
"This key brings one a step closer to the Choir."

Bloodborne Upper Cathedral Ward

Cosmic barge

Tainted dog

 ”On the Eid day, it’s forbidden to fast.”

“don’t know where the next meal is coming from”.

 Aurub explains

Difficult, but not onerous.

community bound by legal rules

bending the rules until they’re worthless

Green-lit the deal

A well-coordinated exit

Friday, 17 July 2015

the fear they feel over that face in the amygdala part of their brain
We also know they pass on this knowledge to their social circle
wearing a mask on the back of your head
negative reinforcement
streetlights at night allow them to forage
manicured perfectly sharply on rooftops
bird-proof rubbish bags
known feeders
formic acid in the ants’ bodies
And they are fertile for 25 years.
absolute nadir

Snow swallow

displacing a growing seagull colony
feathered foes
s a platform to launch an impassioned diatribe

Fail death

Rock flour

No, it was only after he listened to you... that he decided he wanted to eat again. That's no small thing. Each time we eat, it means we've chosen to live for one more day

Stability for hunting

No limit to conjure up

Flames the fires

Temperance may know something you don't

More choices than a person has a right to have

This is the commitment they are giving to us, we didn’t ask them

Order has now been restored

Thursday, 16 July 2015

по причине патологии сосудов шеи
Зрительные феномены, возникающие при резкой смене положения тела и при переутомлении, являются сосудистыми симптомами
Необходима безотлагательная консультация специалиста.
К врачу то я скажу, но примерные
Боли нет, но небольшое головокружение
Да, это т.н. механический фосфен. Реакция клеток периферии сетчатки на тягу со стороны волокон стекловидного тела.
Embrace the stops
But it may not be obvious yet in all the ways it's changing you
о конкретных параметрах программы поддержки
призывает Афины одобрить второй
Конечно, сама по себе ты — замечательный человек
объяснить ребенку непростой вопрос

Monday, 13 July 2015

исчезновении бойцов
высказались против политики действующей
После того как силовики блокировали бойцов
Стрелявшие укрылись в лесу и отказались
Во время назначенной встречи в спортивном
связан с переделом регионального теневого

There has been criticism in the past about the difficulties of getting a divorce in Ireland.

Allowed spiral

желчном протоке

Marked debt

Numbing level

light that he was, not the darkness we lost him to

seemingly deliberately

Account of speech

ivory towers

Conditionalities to be respected

Sort of activity

Sunday, 12 July 2015

Will he be a little greyer after Thursday?

Wielding a crutch

It is not credible

That this not

Mental waterboarding

реформировать гражданский кодекс с целью
передать в внешний независимый фонд

Adverse selection

Insider of his failed

Where can you run when the whole world is infected

There seemed to be an unlimited amount of trains

Down there the skin ages

может быть достигнуто в ближайшее время

After a time, he was lost by the prison’s security camera surveillance network

They become more difficult to implement on steep slopes, as velocity is higher and thereby the distance between dams must be shortened.[
The water revolution spread by Johads


arranger of things
possibly claiming the lives of the well-diggers
Supplies are often sour due to dissolved minerals
Potable groundwater is also rare in the Thar desert
Scientists noticed occasional tiny errors of copying as our six billion letters were passed on down the generations
Smoke is produced by air in its jealousy
but these agreements break down easily
tribes of Thar carry out attacks on caravans
But the people have to begin there, where their grandfathers began
The laws, which bring death to the children, become invalid
"The cross comes to honours anew
a red mass mixed with yellow faces
and in the blood the great guilty is washed off.
The wind drives the clouds of death off to the east
Do not open the windows, cover it completely with black paper
geophysical upheaval
The humans becomes quite black and the meat falls off their bones
"The airplanes drop a yellow powder between the Black Sea and the North Sea. Thus a death strip is created, straight from the Black Sea to the North Sea, as wide as half of Bavaria
Under the false guise of faith of the shaved heads, Many saboteurs shall be sown, Watering the wells and the fountains with poison, Human devourers of the strength of the West
"The Mask of Time"

Saturday, 11 July 2015

discussed in this tract
but we have heard from a cross-section, and believe our concerns are valid
reflect the methods of each individual
Somewhere along the line it has missed the mark
demonstrating the gifts
and smacks of cult tactics
Monday was actually a free day for members
"church sanctioned"
and a coffee house meeting to support
Reports were received of women encouraged to give up careers considered unsuitable for women, and devote themselves to husbands, children, and the home. Women were excluded from the discipleship program
subjugation of the women
It was quite effective
being "discipled
largely unchecked
a group of elders
limit the control
safeguard for the congregation
boards for a reason
someone confirms
"prophesied over"
stopped their needed medication
The sense of power this man feels must be staggering
The nature of this affliction
even told him as much
to the effect that the presence
start pacing across the raised platform
extreme legalism
hard line cult groups

Praise chapel

bread and scrape
cultural genesis
The gate piers of the main entrance are of dressed granite
кислотность среды

Four masters

skewed lens
repeated incarcerations
It's tragic to watch such dementia.
numeric translators
adjudged by clinicians
and holding a book open to view.
spell out
matching cathedral
بےشک ہم مردوں کو زندہ کریں گے اور جو کچھ وہ آگے بھیج چکے اور (جو) ان کے نشان پیچھے رہ گئے ہم ان کو قلمبند کرلیتے ہیں۔ اور ہر چیز کو ہم نے کتاب روشن (یعنی لوح محفوظ) میں لکھ رکھا ہے۔
centres of indecency
Tough critter

the failure to suspend a portion of his sentence constituted an error in principle

amounts to desecration
chattels of deception

Sunday, 5 July 2015

leather bracer
a simple pendant.

Noel kreiss stabbing sword

a stricter side
shoulder pauldrons
and put to rest the ones who would have robbed so many of what time fate had ordained
She but looked on, silent in Her sorrow
Royal Ripeness
a desolate wasteland void of life
meteorite crash
nomadic tribe
Every human who claims a soul can gaze into the future
In all our hearts flickers a small piece of the chaos
creates new victims, spawns new tragedies
preordained end
Crimson Crystal
only those with great chaos in their hearts are able to hear
ablet of Memory
died before their twentieth birthdays
has come under the gaze
changes in the timeline
Mortal Realm
it is revealed the seeress's lifespan shortens the more the number of possible futures grows
the law of the Farseers
The gift doubles as a curse as it drains the seeress's life force
glowing glyph
I can trace the timeline
There was an error processing your request
nsistence of the latter
White Wind
obtained as a support ability at Job Level 13
Enemy Skill
monkey with the script
Keeps my bandwidth down

Nothing to share

signature spiral
Spiran language
like a substitution cipher (a
adept at swimming
blamed for the emergence
Who so is partner with a thiefe, hateth his owne soule: hee heareth cursing, and bewrayeth it not
tribe of technologists
oblong mouth
three black holes for their faces,
Few know that this reclusive desert-dwelling creature lashes together individual needles
Bomb Cores
Retaking missions
Dark Monument
outside agency

Saturday, 4 July 2015

drinketh damage
paths to ascension
ceasing to grow
overlapping sequence of black arrows
moment of branding
indomitable force

Tracer of memories

unknown illness
Restorer of Lines
failing to protect
военнослужащих, особенно в вопросах логистики в связи с масштабной эвакуацией.

Comprises of fault


Mythical aspect

Isil kindergart

метаболизмом жиров (в том числе бурого жира),

Decline arrested

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Ramp duty

Morning arrives soon and with it, the monkey mind.
absolutely awake
присягнули многие
вооруженные гранатометами
Вилайят Синай
военное крыло
Из-за образовавшихся повреждений
плавающей драхмы
в этом направлении предстоит большая работа
pre-glacial times
потерю морских портов и акваторий